God’s Cry for Canada

 God’s Cry for Canada

by Wendy Turpin

When I was called to Ottawa, I was just your ordinary Christian who’d come to Ottawa for the Dominion Conference in August, 2006.  Honestly, prior to my arrival I was in the middle of a spiritual wilderness waiting for God to reveal himself to me in some way — any way.  When a couple of friends from church inivited me to go along with them from Hamilton to Ottawa for the conference, I jumped at the chance — not because I was hoping to get something big from the conference — I didn’t even ask what it was all about — but, to get out of town for the weekend.  Little did I know the Lord had different plans:  God spoke to me on the first day I was there and said when I go to the Parliament buildings with our group to make declarations as part of the conference agenda the next day, I was to touch the Centennial Flame.

That was easy to do!  I didn’t have to sell anything or give away anything at all!  All I had to do was touch the rim of the Centennial Flame the next day!    I replied YES, Lord!  I had no idea of what purpose God had in mind for me when I did, but I did think it would be something very simple and symbolic, not too emotionally taxing.    Keep reading:  When I  went to the Flame the next day and touched it, the power of God hit me like a Mack truck driving over me at full force.  You can’t even guess at how surprised I was!  At that moment, I was overcome with emotion for our country, for God’s love for it, and His desire to see His purposes sustained within it.  At that moment my heart was forever changed as God had imparted His love for Canada to me.  This is where my calling began.  It was through a series of events and prophetic words that came after that confirmed that I was to come to Ottawa and be a prayer missionary at the National House of Prayer.

I truly believe that I am not the only one being called to Ottawa for such a time as this.  I believe that God is bringing as many as who will go to achieve His purposes here in this nation.  There’s a divine strategy going on.   Is he calling you?

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